Walls between executive’s, conferences rooms and offices- sound proofing
- Heat/A-C issues- baseboard heat in (5510) along windows
- Office flow/layout- does it work & flow. How will PS Assoc be incorporated?
- Water hookup- Refrigeration, water dispensers, keurigs. Where in the new space/floor plan?
- Will we have/want a Keurig and water filter in the reception area?
- Storage- how much will we have and how will it be laid out in new floor plan?
- ADT type access system- will we need/want a new system?
- How many doors/access types will we want in place?
- Will we lease or buy the access system? The old building we leased.
- Front door- currently the front door is wooden; do we want a full glass door like we have now?
- What furniture and items from storage will we need/have room for?
Gary Goss
What Core Value does your idea align with?
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