Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FLENUMMETOCCEN) Network Infrastructure Installation contract
was awarded to ProSol in 2021. The FLENUMMETOCCEN, under the direction of the Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NAVMETOCCOM), has the mission to collect, interpret, and apply global atmospheric and oceanographic data and information in support of strategic and tactical warfare and peacekeeping initiatives. FLENUMMETOCCEN provides around the-clock operational oceanographic and meteorological support to the U.S. Navy, other U.S. Government agencies, and elements of the armed forces of allied nations. This support consists of running regularly scheduled large environmental numerical global forecast models for ships, aircraft, and other forces throughout the Department of Defense (DOD). ProSol provides network system administration support for all aspects of the FLENUMMETOCCEN network required to ensure the robust and reliable NIPR/SIPR network necessary to ensure the 7/24/365 mission requirements. Our technicians also provide authoritative advice to technical experts and high-level officials, conducting investigations that require the use of new techniques. This includes planning, analysis, documentation and artifact creation in support of the task in unclassified, Secret and Top Secret classification environments.